Friday, September 18, 2009

great thought

"to get up and set your shoulder to the wheel,
howlong is life for you. As you have come in the world,
leave some marks behind you. otherwise where is the
differece between you, trees , and stones,
they also come into existence, decay and die."
By Swami Vivekanand
"yesterday is a cancealed check, tomorrow is a promissory note,
and today is only the cash that you have, so spend it wisely."


  1. the person is great then why his thoughts are not great ? You inspired all visitor who visit your blog, for reading, out of syllabus.

  2. Hello Sneha,
    I like the thought which you put here.
    We all are born with some responsibility
    with us.But the fact is that we are not that much conscious about that responsibility only because our parents or guardians fulfill our every need.We have become a sloth,lethargic.
    We focus only on our pleasures and comforts.

    Even a "TREE" or a "STONE" may be taken in use in some carvings or furniture but there is nothing to say about a "MAN".

